Behold the artworks, a collection so rare,
Images of cyber bots, with a future unclear.
Dystopian landscapes, dark and gray,
A world so different from today.
The bots, machines of steel and chrome,
A future where they call our home.
Their eyes, a cold and eerie glow,
A future where we're not in control.
The landscapes, barren and bleak,
A future where hope seems so weak.
A world where technology rules,
And humanity's fate, a mystery so cruel.
Yet in these works of art so bleak,
A message of hope, if we dare to seek.
A warning of what could be,
If we don't reclaim our destiny.
For in these artworks, a vision so clear,
Of a world we must refuse to fear.
A future we can choose to create,
With love and...
1 - 6 of 6 a world so different from today wall art for sale