Ethereal Grace

by Leinz Skaper
Ethereal Grace
Leinz Skaper
Painting - Oil And Acrylic On Canvas
On the canvas, a world of wonder unfurled,
A symphony of colors in a dreamlike swirl,
A surrealistic landscape, an abstract paradise,
Where radiance of flowers met celestial beauty's rise.
In the center of the canvas, three angel-like forms,
Graceful and ethereal, their presence warms,
Their flowing hair like golden rays of the sun,
In this abstract world, their beauty shone.
The tundra around them, a glittering display,
Of cintilating light like flowers in a way,
A magical wonderland, an enchanted land,
Where the beauty of nature met the divine hand.
The colors of the canvas, a gentle embrace,
Of softness and warmth, a mystical space,
Whispers of blue and green, a cool breeze,
A perfect harmony of colors, at ease.
The angelic trio danced in perfect grace,
Their flowing gowns a celestial trace,
A dreamy ambiance, a surrealistic charm,
A painting that takes the heart, like an angelic balm.
In this abstract paradise, beauty transcended,
A canvas that leaves the soul suspended,
A timeless wonder, a beauty that endures,
A painting that the heart of the beholder assures.
April 8th, 2023
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