In the Moment

by Leinz Skaper
In the Moment
Leinz Skaper
Painting - Oil And Acrylic On Canvas
The moment is where the female enters the presence of truth and enactment through her spiritual belief is one of profound transformation and awakening. It is a moment when she realizes the depth of her spiritual connection and experiences a profound sense of inner knowing and clarity. In this moment, she is aligned with her deepest spiritual values and beliefs, and her energy radiates a sense of purpose and passion. She may feel a sense of liberation and freedom as she releases old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve her, and she is empowered to live in alignment with her highest self. This moment of truth and enactment is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of spiritual practice and the potential we all have to awaken to our true selves.
April 3rd, 2023
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